Public Art

Public Art is vital to any city's quality of life. Art can inspire and comfort, it can compel and be the background to a thousand different memories. Downtown Little Rock Partnership has played a pivotal role on several major projects and is always looking, especially through our Main Street Public Spaces Committee, for ways to add more public art. Below, please find some information on and links to different projects we've spearheaded, both completed and in-progress.



From large to small, murals are the first thing people probably think about when it comes to public art. Paint and an artist's vision can transform a wall into a doorway of imagination. We've been fortunate to work with so many talented muralists and groups who partnered to bring their vision to life.

Click here to see where our murals are located.

Click here to access coloring book pages of many of our downtown murals. 


The Alley Art Project is a unique endeavor to put reproductions of original pieces on doorways lining downtown's various alley ways. The purpose of the project is to promote art in public places, making downtown Little Rock more beautiful and improving the quality of life of its residents and visitors. It also connects artists with business owners, providing each with an ability to better promote their talents.

Click to learn more.