Look for our Ambassadors in their highly visible, bright blue and green uniforms out on the streets in downtown Little Rock seven days a week.
While on duty in the River Market, SoMa and in the Main Street Creative Corridor, they are available to walk people to their cars, give directions, or even take your picture! They work closely with the Little Rock Police Department and help serve as an additional set of eyes and ears on the street.
Downtown Little Rock Partnership strives to create a clean, safe, and vibrant district that showcases our rich culture while building toward the future. Our Ambassador Team is committed to a place in which all businesses, residents, and visitors succeed and thrive.
Please give our Ambassadors a call if you see something that needs to be addressed, if you need some help, or if you want to be escorted to your car.
Give us a call! 501-208-9738.
If there’s an emergency, please call 911.

The Downtown Little Rock Ambassadors’ have been making a positive impact in their first year here in our city to keep streets clean and safe. Thanks to the Little Rock Convention and Visitors Bureau, Advertising and Promotions Commission and the Metrocentre Improvement District for supporting this effort.
Miles collectively walked in our downtown
Lbs. of trash picked up off city streets. That’s nearly 195,000 pieces of individual litter!
Flower beds watered using 83,435 gallons of water.
People welcomed to our downtown.